Between the 29th of July and the 31st of August 2024, our library and the Eötvös Exhibition will be closed.


ORCID (Open Research and Contributor Identifier) is an international universally accepted and used unique author ID. Its use can resolve identification problems caused by common names, different spellings of the same name, and name and institutional changes.
More and more publishers prescribe the use of ORCID and make it a requirement for the submission of a manuscript.

ORCID is free and it only takes a few minutes to create one.

ORCID registration is regulated by rector order No. 5/2017. (V. 2.) at ELTE which makes the creation of an ID mandatory for the teachers and researchers of the university. ORCID must be displayed on the author’s info page in MTMT.
A manual on the registration for ORCID and the ID’s upload to MTMT is also available.

Source/author of illustration: