
2023. March 28., Tuesday – 14:23
University Library Service (ULS)
The ELTE Disability Center (SHÜTI), an office of the university with the aim to ensure equal opportunities to students with special needs, has published a booklet entitled Equal Access in Higher Education: Information for Lecturers and Academic Staff. The publication edited by Krisztina Kovács, the University's Disability Coordinator is available in all ELTE faculty libraries, as well as in the ELTE University Library and Archives.
2023. March 24., Friday – 12:42
University Library Service (ULS)
In the first half of 2023 Elsevier offers free online trainings in English and Hungarian for researchers, university lecturers, MA and PhD students and librarians.
2023. March 23., Thursday – 07:54
University Library Service (ULS)
Preprint Citation Index is a multidisciplinary collection of preprints from a wide range of leading preprint repositories. The link to the video recording of the presentation in Hungarian is available in our article.
2023. March 13., Monday – 17:27
University Library Service (ULS)
In the first half of 2023 Elsevier offers free online trainings in English and Hungarian for researchers, university lecturers, MA and PhD students and librarians. The first session will provide useful information on research data management.
2023. March 10., Friday – 07:50
University Library Service (ULS)
The Repository Certification Committee of the MTMT issued certificates to two more scientific online journals affiliated with the ELTE Faculty of Humanities. The „Névtani Értesítő” and the „Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae” journals won MTMT Qualifications, which is considered outstanding both within the university and nationwide.
2023. March 3., Friday – 15:33
University Library Service (ULS)
Yale University provided 60 day institution-wide trial of two databases, eHRAF World Cultures and eHRAF Archaeology. The trial period ends on 24 April 2023.
2023. February 26., Sunday – 13:49
University Library Service (ULS)
After several years of preparation, self-service borrowing and return based on radio frequency identification became available in our library.
2023. February 15., Wednesday – 13:21
University Library Service (ULS)
We provide information on which databases the Eötvös Loránd University will subscribe to within the scope of the EISZ in this year. The Electronic Information Service National Program (EISZ) provides access to electronic scientific content by purchasing a national license for participants in higher education, public collections and non-profit research.
2023. February 8., Wednesday – 14:28
University Library Service (ULS)
The ELTE University Library and Archives has joined the National Library of Korea Digitized Material Service partnership programme, which has provided access to more than nine million digital documents, including nearly one and a half million books. The content is available on designated terminals in three libraries, the Library of the Institute of East Asian Studies, the Library of Faculty of Education and Psychology and the University Library and Archives.
2023. February 1., Wednesday – 14:55
University Library Service (ULS)
For the first time, ELTE journals received the title „MTMT Qualified Journal”. Three online academic journals „Lejana”, „RussianStudies.hu” and „Journal of East Asian Cultures” have been certified. The recognition is considered outstanding both within the university and nationally.
2023. January 4., Wednesday – 16:19
University Library Service (ULS)
As of January 1st 2023, the L'Harmattan Digital Database will be available under a new name and at a new location that is the L'Harmattan Open Access és Archive platform.
2022. December 18., Sunday – 21:23
University Library Service (ULS)
At the fourth quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2022, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.
2022. December 12., Monday – 14:40
University Library Service (ULS)
The quota for fully open journals (258) in the 2022 agreement with Springer has recently been exhausted on the 6th of December 2022. The possibility to publish in the publisher's corresponding hybrid journals is not affected by this exhaustion, authors are welcome to continue submitting manuscripts to these journals, and all APC applications received may be approved.
2022. November 23., Wednesday – 17:03
University Library Service (ULS)
The ELTE IT Directorate discontinued the Stunnel service with effect of November 8, 2022. Instead, the VPN service can be used by both ELTE employees and students. Anyone who does not already have one, must apply for VPN service.
2022. November 23., Wednesday – 16:55
University Library Service (ULS)
Trial access the nkoda database and music service is available for 30 days, which ends on December 13, 2022.
2022. November 23., Wednesday – 16:49
University Library Service (ULS)
The World Who's Who online database published by Taylor and Francis is available as part of a thirty-day trial. Trial access lasts until November 30, 2022.
2022. November 23., Wednesday – 16:39
University Library Service (ULS)
The University Library and Archives has requested trial access to the database Das Diensttagebuch von Wolfram Sievers und das SS-Ahnenerbe (1941–45) (SAEO) published by De Gruyter. The database is a primary source for researching Nazi Germany, and can be subscribed to it from November 2022. Trial access runs until December 6, 2022.
2022. November 21., Monday – 08:35
University Library Service (ULS)
ELTE was granted access to Gale's collection of three primary sources for thirty days. The collections contain searchable digital versions of American newspapers. The database can be accessed in the ELTE IP range or by using a VPN service.
2022. November 11., Friday – 09:46
University Library Service (ULS)
Elsevier organises a series of webinars for scientific researchers and their supporting librarians in English. The program is free, but prior registration is required.
2022. October 14., Friday – 17:17
University Library Service (ULS)
At the third quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2022, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.