
2022. May 16., Monday – 14:59
University Library Service (ULS)
Euromonitor International is the world's leading provider of global business intelligence, market analysis and consumer insights. The trial access presents the opportunity for ELTE citizens to test Euromonitor International's services.
2022. May 16., Monday – 14:27
University Library Service (ULS)
SciFlow is a collaborative web application developed to save researchers and students time and effort.
2022. May 16., Monday – 13:48
University Library Service (ULS)
Scite is a Brooklyn-based startup that helps researchers better discover and understand research articles through Smart Citations – citations that display the context of the citation and describe whether the article provides supporting or contrasting evidence. Webinar and consultation on Scite is organised to get familiar with the service.
2022. April 25., Monday – 13:52
University Library Service (ULS)
NI4OS invites applications for access to computing resources (HPC, cloud services), storage and data services, software and scientific manuscripts.
2022. April 21., Thursday – 09:36
University Library Service (ULS)
György Pálos, an award-winning film director, cinematographer and screenwriter, released an almost complete selection of his works related to education to those interested in the subject.
2022. April 4., Monday – 13:35
University Library Service (ULS)
The Library of the ELTE Faculty of Humanities is organizing a series of lectures in Hungarian this spring as well. The lectures are primarily recommended for lecturers, researchers and doctoral students, but, as a matter of fact, all lectures are open to anyone interested. The presentations will take place online via Microsoft Teams. Participation in the lectures is free, but registration is required.
2022. March 17., Thursday – 15:15
University Library Service (ULS)
The Elsevier’s customer service consultants organised a free webinar to help you use Scopus
2022. March 16., Wednesday – 15:53
University Library Service (ULS)
MTMT training sessions are organized by ELTE University Library and Archives (ULA) and Library of Faculty of Humanities (FOH) for the international lecturers, students, PhD candidates of the FOH. MTMT trainings are offered free of charge, but registration is required.
2022. February 28., Monday – 14:56
University Library Service (ULS)
The Citizens of ELTE have the opportunity to try out the following two databases that can be accessed from ELTE IP range or in case of remote access using Stunnel or VPN service.
2022. February 22., Tuesday – 12:33
University Library Service (ULS)
The online training on research data, research data management and data repositories was a great success organized by the colleagues of ELTE University Library and Archives in early February 2022.
2022. February 15., Tuesday – 16:38
University Library Service (ULS)
The Accessible library team of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Comittee has compiled a guide for librarians.
2022. February 4., Friday – 11:41
University Library Service (ULS)
Wiley will be running a training session on the 15th of February.
2022. January 19., Wednesday – 14:07
University Library Service (ULS)
The Education and Research Support Department of ELTE University Library and Archives announces an online training on managing research data and preparing a research data management plan.
2022. January 12., Wednesday – 15:36
University Library Service (ULS)
ProQuest has launched its Open Access Complete e-book package, with around 2 300 books from 12 publishers freely available.
2022. January 10., Monday – 14:42
University Library Service (ULS)
School libraries belonging to the ELTE library network can catalogue their documents in various databases. While maintaining these systems, the ELTE University Library and Archives developed a common search interface in 2011 within the framework of the TÁMOP-3.2.4/09/1/KMR-2010-0021 project, which can be accessed directly at http://gimikatalogus.elte.hu.
2022. January 10., Monday – 13:58
University Library Service (ULS)
The databases can be used without restriction from ELTE IP addresses. In case of remote access databases may accessed after Shibboleth authentication, or for students by using Stunnel, for instructors and for ELTE employees by using a VPN service.
2022. January 5., Wednesday – 16:25
University Library Service (ULS)
The Arcanum ADT is again available to ELTE citizens in the usual ways.
2022. January 4., Tuesday – 10:55
University Library Service (ULS)
Az Elektronikus Információszolgáltatás Nemzeti Program (EISZ) portfóliójából az ELTE 2022-ben a következő adatbázisok előfizetését tervezi (amíg az EISZ Iroda nem folytatott le minden közbeszerzési eljárást és kötött meg minden megállapodást a szolgáltatókkal, addig a lista ideiglenesnek tekintendő).
2021. December 17., Friday – 15:49
University Library Service (ULS)
The fourth quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee took place in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.
2021. November 4., Thursday – 08:26
University Library Service (ULS)
Through a series of webinars in English, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) provides insight into the contents of their databases, of their services and how to use the database management platform. The service provider will hold webinars on the 8th of November, 2nd of December, 6th of January and 4th of February. You can apply for the first event now.