Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

ELTE Digital Institutional Knowledge Base

The Eötvös Loránd University Electronic Database that is ELTE Digital Institutional Knowledge Base (EDIT, https://edit.elte.hu) contains more than 40000 documents, and its contents are constantly incresing. The Knowledge Base provides its users with a free- and full-text source of scholarly literature. The collection includes a wide range of disciplines. The purpose of the knowledge base is to support education and research, and to disseminate knowledge.


In addition to scholarly publications of published at ELTE, there are ELTE-related articles published in international journals also can be found in EDIT. The current materials of the continuously expanding database can provide an excellent source for the forthcoming seminar papers and theses.

Dissertations, thesis

Theses and dissertations from all ELTE faculties are available in EDIT, thus providing methodological assistance and inspiration for students to prepare their thesis. In addition to theses and dissertations there are TDK and OTDK papers in the ever expanding collection.

Educational materials

The collection is electronic documents made by ELTE educators for education, that includes the adapted, digitized curricula. The lesson outlines, presentations and textbooks can be help for anyone to prepare for held university courses.

Journals and other publicarions at ELTE

This contains collections of journals, memoirs, conference volumes, other publications published at and by ELTE or any of its units. For example the publication series of the Annales Universitatis Scientiarum de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae, whose various journals have been openly preseved in the repository since the 1950s, that is covering a wide range of topics.

Museal collections and eBooks

This is the Electronic and digitized documents of the member libraries of the University Library Service. The collection includes a compilation of the library's special folio collection of 1956; Correspondence of Gyula Szekfű scholar; our diploma and autograph letter collection; engraving, map, and landscape collection; digitized codes.

Documentary photo collections

It contains photographs of the past of Eötvös Loránd University and its predecessor institutions. University lectures, seminars, graduation awards, smaller and larger events, interesting moments of cultural, scientific and sports events, everyday life of ELTE are in photos.

Video Library

It has Documentaries and educational films taken by video studios of the University. The main activity of the studios is the production of science communication and ongoing university documentation.


Upload into EDIT

• Scientific publications: Uploading via MTMT, no need to be a signed up to EDIT. Guide

• ELTE-related educational materials, other contents: Registration / login required for uploading other documents. Registered users do not have auto upload rights. If you would like to upload anything to EDIT, contact your faculty administrator or system operator at editadmin@lib.elte.hu.





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