University Library and Arcives (ULA)

On stained glass windows… We are not referring to a contemporary press release, a brochure about the library, nor to an article by our previous colleague or a monograph of the history of the library. Instead, we are recommending a lesser known, but still important source to our readers. (We even dare to say it has still relevant lines.) It was written by a calm, experienced jurist at the end of his life, with the name of Pál Hamar of Nemespann and Gyöngyöshalász. He was „an important man”, a crown counsel and head of the University Foundation.
From the inventory list made by Toldy on the 20th of January 1874 we know that the library owned several globes (2-2 old, Italian with 4 feet diameter and Latin with 1 feet diameter, 2 new Hungarian ones with 1 feet diameter). The list shows that the library had a total of six globes, but we do not know much about their condition, although Toldy usually took notes regarding that with other items. The only information about the globes comes from dr. Katalin Plihál. She writes that in the past the globes used to be sold in pairs.