News archive

2021. August 23., Monday – 11:56
ULA University Library
We adumbrate in our restoration workshop, in which you can get a taste of bookrestoration. Behind the scenes you can learn about preserving our valuable documents and experience how a sewing frame can be used in bookbinding. All visitors are welcome! For more information, please visit our website.
2021. August 18., Wednesday – 13:30
ULA University Library
As part of the Cultural Heritage Days, we will reopen the doors of our library for those interested on Saturday, the 18th of September, 2021.
2021. July 26., Monday – 22:37
ULA University Library
The Reading Room of the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives was filled on the concert of the Festival Academy Budapest on July 23, 2021.
2021. July 20., Tuesday – 14:12
ULA University Library
The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University will host the concert of the Festival Academy Budapest on 23rd of July 2021 from 3.30 pm.
2021. July 16., Friday – 13:42
University Library Service (ULS)
We are performing an ELTEfind software update between July 19th and July 25th, therefore, our online search engine will be temporarily unavailable. During the maintenance, you can use our old online catalog to search, which is available at We recommend the ELTE Library WebApp for checking and extending loans.
2021. July 13., Tuesday – 19:18
University Library Service (ULS)
In view of the epidemiological situation, the second quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee was held in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.
2021. July 13., Tuesday – 14:28
ULA Archives
The archives will be closed from 2nd to 19th August. From 23rd August, we look forward to welcoming our researchers and clients again. We wish everyone a good rest for the summer break! 
2021. July 2., Friday – 09:08
ULA University Library
Based on feedback from our users, we have renewed our INeetABook service, which allows you to suggest books for purchase if they are not available in our library.
2021. June 30., Wednesday – 13:31
ULA Archives
On Friday, July 2, 2021, between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm, the Hungarian National Archives (Budapest IX., Vágóhíd u. 7.) will hold the VII. Medieval Book Fair with the participation of nearly twenty book publishers.
2021. June 23., Wednesday – 13:10
ULA University Library
An exhibition on the history of the Pauline order was opened at the Hungarian National Museum between 15th June 2021 and 12th September 2021, where several Pauline manuscripts and prints keep from our library are also presented, including the following manuscripts: A 115, Cod. Lat. 115, Cod. Lat. 131.
2021. June 21., Monday – 08:47
University Library Service (ULS)
The Library Council unanimously approved the new communication strategy of the ELTE University Library Service.
2021. June 16., Wednesday – 11:34
University Library Service (ULS)
EISZ (Electronic Information Service National Programme) Secretariat and Clarivate Analytics are organizing a webinar on June 21, 2021. The webinar provides an introduction to the various capabilities of MetaCore application for disease and drug research.
2021. June 15., Tuesday – 16:32
University Library and Arcives (ULA)
On Sunday, June 20, 2021 the historical memorial sites of Eötvös Loránd University will also open their doors at the Memorial Day event.
2021. June 7., Monday – 14:28
ULA University Library
We would like to inform our readers that on Friday, June 11, 2021, the book rental and return services at the ELTE University Library and Archives will be suspended at the Information Desk on the ground floor due to a professional program.
2021. June 4., Friday – 17:07
ULA University Library
A virtual version of our popular periodical exhibition entitled Under the spell of Accuracy. The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös is now available.
2021. June 2., Wednesday – 10:00
ULA University Library
We are waiting for you with renewed content and user-friendly appearance from June 2, 2021 on the website of the ELTE University Library and Archives at From a separate main menu item, the joint website of the ELTE University Library Service (EKSZ) is still available, but it can also be opened independently from In our article, we summarize the most important information to help our users navigate on the new portal.
2021. May 17., Monday – 19:50
ULA University Library
The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Lorand University is glad to inform our dear Readers that according to the current university regulations, our reading rooms are expected to be closed until the end of August 2021. Our library provides rental and other services – even during the whole summer period. We are pleased to offer you our lending, book returns and pick-up services requested online at the information desk at the entrance on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00. For more information, please, visit our website.
2021. May 12., Wednesday – 09:37
ULA University Library
The Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives’ exhibition won first place with the title Under the spell of Accuracy. The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös in the category of archival exhibitions announced by the Association of Hungarian Archivists.
2021. April 27., Tuesday – 00:52
ULA University Library
The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University will provide the technical background for the publication of two national library journals with a long history, the Book, Library, Librarian (Könyv, Könyvtár, Könyvtáros) and the Library Monitor (Könyvtári Figyelő).
2021. April 7., Wednesday – 15:25
ULA University Library
A járványügyi helyzetre való tekintettel a K21 Minőségirányítási Koordinációs Bizottság idei első negyedéves beszámolójára Teams-megbeszélés keretében került sor. A munkacsoportok vezetői beszámoltak az elmúlt negyedév eredményeiről, a folyamatban lévő munkákról és változásokról.