Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.

Gale webinar at ELTE

On the 31th of May 2018 between 13:30 and 15:00, Carolyn Beckford from Gale is going to have a presentation for ELTE researchers and students about Gale Reference Complete. 

Unrivalled in terms of volume, authoritativeness and currency, Gale Reference Complete provides subscription access to the largest package of primary and secondary sources available to libraries today. Empowering users at all academic levels, from the undergraduate student to the experienced researcher, and covering nearly every research area and discipline, Gale Reference Complete offers high quality, authoritative and unique content.

Gale Reference Complete enables users to access millions of pages of primary sources, e-reference and periodical content on Gale’s superior platforms designed to streamline the student and researcher workflow. The sheer breadth of the package – combining proprietary e-reference content from Gale, periodicals, literary criticism and full text literary works as well as rare primary source content from the vaults of the world’s great libraries – means that every student and researcher will find a rich store of relevant information to enhance their learning and research.

Join Skype Meeting https://meet.lync.com/cengageo365/carolyn.beckford/V8058QS0
Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App https://meet.lync.com/cengageo365/carolyn.beckford/V8058QS0?sl=1

Join by Phone
Toll-free number: 08003761896, access code: 8268984353
Toll number: 03306068928, access code: 8268984353
Find a local number http://www.intercall.com/l/dial-in-number-lookup.php

Conference ID: 8268984353 (same as access code above)