Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.

Autumn Festival of Museums in our library

In the frame of the Autumn Festival of Museums, between the 3rd of October and the 13th of November 2022, we invite all science and book lovers to visit our exhibition entitled Janus Pannonius from Humanism to the Baroque – A Selection from the Collection of the University Library and Archives.

Our guests can take part in interactive guided tours of the Eötvös exhibition, guitar concerts by Ádám Kovács, guided tours of the restoration workshop and library history. Our book presentations will give you an insight into the special treasures of our library. All visitors are welcome!


3 October 2022 – 13 November 2022

Secrets of pages – Book presentation from our museum collection
Fridays 16.30–17.00 (except the 14th and the 28th of October 2022)

Restorer's workshop presentation
Fridays 10.00–11.00 and 17.00–18.00 (except the 28th of October 2022)

Library tour
Mondays and Thursdays 17.00–18.00

Guided tour at the Eötvös exhibition
Mondays 18.00–18.45, Thursdays 16.00–16.45

Janus Pannonius from Humanism to the Baroque – A selection from the collection of the University Library and Archives
Monday–Friday, 10.00–15.00

István Ádám – Guitar Concert I. – 7 October 2022, 18.00
István Ádám – Guitar Concert II. – 11 November 2022, 18.00


Programme available online:

Virtual Autumn Walks in the ELTE University Library and Archives (continuously available online programme).


Photo, audio and video recordings will be made of the events. The recordings will be published on the websites, publications, forums and social media of the participating institutions.


Source/author of illustration:
ELTE ULS, Photo: Ágnes Ágai