Congratulations to our honorees!

According to the traditions of Eötvös Loránd University, the Senate of the University presented the awards to the lecturers, employees and staff who provided excellent work and outstanding performance at the opening Senate meeting of the academic year. This year's honorees included several staff members of the University Library Service, who are committed to the cause of the university and library development.

The University administration awarded the Trefort Ágoston Memorial Plaque to Tibor Móring, Research Support Librarian of the ELTE University Library and Archives, Krisztina Szigeti, Librarian of the English-American Institute Library at the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Tímea Nagy, Informatics Librarian of the Némedi Dénes Library of the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, and Gabriella Kovács, Librarian of the Savaria Library and Archives of the ELTE University Library and Archives for their above-average performance over a long period of time. Judit Fejes and Tibor Faragó-Szilvási, research support librarians at the ELTE University Library and Archives, received a Rector's Commendation.

Congratulations to our colleagues on the occasion of their award, we wish them every success in their further work!

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