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Adopt this book in June!

This charter is a confirmation of a previous one ratified during the reign of Transylvanian Prince Gábor Bethlen in 1627 by the Parliament of Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia, Romania) on the limitation of prices of goods made by goldsmiths, tailors, cobblers, coppersmiths, coopers, potters, carpenters, soap-makers among others.

The second part of the charter gives details on the prices of goods made by the so called ’new Christian’ craftsmen. The print does not have a title page, it begins with the diploma of Transylvanian prince György Rákóczi I, unfortunately, this page is missing from this copy.

On the first endpaper one can find signs of usage: beside short notes written in Latin, also the Hungarian translation of aquote from Dutch humanist Hugo Grotius (1583–1645) can be read. In addition to the possessorial note of István Dobolyi dated to 1758 on the title page and on one of the last pages, there is a note containing the names of Ferenc Tarackövi and Rivulian senator Márton Enyedi. Besides, on the endpaper, there are several notes in Latin and Hungarian.

The book is part of the book adoption program of the Foundation for the University Library. Save a book, adopt a book! For more information, please, visit our website: https://konyvtar.elte.hu/en/support-us/adopt-a-book.


RMK I 97/a:2

Az áros emberek, kalmárok és posztómetőknek limitatiojok

[Gyulafehérvár : typ. principis, 1645].

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives