News archive

2022. January 4., Tuesday – 10:55
University Library Service (ULS)
Az Elektronikus Információszolgáltatás Nemzeti Program (EISZ) portfóliójából az ELTE 2022-ben a következő adatbázisok előfizetését tervezi (amíg az EISZ Iroda nem folytatott le minden közbeszerzési eljárást és kötött meg minden megállapodást a szolgáltatókkal, addig a lista ideiglenesnek tekintendő).
2022. January 3., Monday – 10:55
ULA Archives
The minutes of the Faculty of Humanities between 1889 and 1974 can be found on the Hungaricana portal.
2021. December 22., Wednesday – 19:21
ULA University Library
The work was reseen by the general public at our highly successful Cultural Heritage Days event on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death, with the digital version available in the EDIT repository.
2021. December 20., Monday – 15:29
ULA University Library
With the support of Foundation for the University Library, IT equipment was purchased in the University Library and Archives of the Eötvös Loránd University from grant funding.
2021. December 20., Monday – 15:14
University Library and Arcives (ULA)
Az idősebb Rubik Ernő által tervezett oktató–vitorlázó repülőgép majdnem negyven év használat után a Savaria Egyetemi Központnak (SEK) C–épületi aulában kapott helyet.
2021. December 17., Friday – 15:49
University Library Service (ULS)
The fourth quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee took place in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.
2021. December 14., Tuesday – 11:00
ULA University Library
The Library will be closed between the 24th of December and 2nd of January 2022. Our library's services will be available from the 3rd of January 2022 from 9:00 to 20:00.
2021. December 9., Thursday – 12:46
ULA Archives
We would like to inform our clients and researchers, that the Archive will be closed from the 20th of December, 2021 to the 3rd of January, 2022.
2021. December 6., Monday – 16:50
ULA University Library
The Reading Hall will be closed on the 8th of December 2021 due to a university event. The other reading rooms of the library will remain open for our readers with the usual opening hours and services.
2021. December 1., Wednesday – 14:08
ULA University Library
ELTE University Library and Archives initiated the certification process for ELTE Institutional Repository (ELTE EDIT) at Repository Qualification Commission of Hungarian Scientific Bibliography Database (MTMT). As a result, the Commission accepted the institutional archive as a certified repository.
2021. December 1., Wednesday – 11:53
ULA Archives
The latest volume of our archive contains the data of the students attending higher education institutions located in Eger, the Archbishop’s Seminary and the Archbishop’s Law High School.
2021. November 24., Wednesday – 15:58
ULA University Library
The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed on 26th November, 2021 due to a university event. From Monday (19 November, 2021) we waiting for our visitors according to the usual opening hours.
2021. November 8., Monday – 09:30
ULA Archives
On the 8th and 9th of November 2021, the sixth scientific conference entitled „Trianon and the Hungarian Higher Education” will be held.
2021. November 4., Thursday – 10:40
ULA University Library
The University Library and Archives conduct a survey in order to map the amount and type of research data managed by researchers at ELTE. The other purpose of this survey is assessing the data management practices of researchers, their willingness and motivation to reuse others’ and share own research data. Educators, researchers and PhD student may launch the questionnaire from Neptun (Administration/Questionaires). The questionnaire anonym and voluntary. It takes maximum of 15 minutes to complete. The end date of completition is the 3rd of December 2021.
2021. November 4., Thursday – 08:26
University Library Service (ULS)
Through a series of webinars in English, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) provides insight into the contents of their databases, of their services and how to use the database management platform. The service provider will hold webinars on the 8th of November, 2nd of December, 6th of January and 4th of February. You can apply for the first event now.
2021. November 4., Thursday – 08:19
University Library Service (ULS)
China's largest scientific platform, CNKI – China National Knowledge Infrastructure – provides full IP-based access to its databases to all EISZ member institutions, so as to ELTE, from the 1st of November 2021 to the 28th of February 2022.
2021. October 25., Monday – 12:08
ULA University Library
The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed between the 28th and 29th of October, 2021 due to technical reasons. From 2nd of November we are waiting for our readers according to the usual opening hours. All visitors are welcome at the Autumn Festival of Museums’ programs!
2021. October 21., Thursday – 17:48
University Library Service (ULS)
The third quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee took place in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.
2021. October 21., Thursday – 17:28
University Library Service (ULS)
The University Library Service of Eötvös Loránd University is launching its online library course again. The modules of Library Research Methods can be useful for all who want to become conscious user of information and more effective learner.
2021. October 21., Thursday – 13:15
University Library and Arcives (ULA)
In the autumn of 2021, museologist Georgina Schlay and historian András Kristóf Kósa-Grimm continued their university history tours on the ELTE BTK campus.