Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

The current library holdings of ELTE's public education institutions are available on the common search interface

School libraries belonging to the ELTE library network can consult their documents in various databases. While maintaining these systems, the ELTE University Library and Archives developed a common search interface in 2011 within the framework of the TÁMOP-3.2.4/09/1/KMR-2010-0021 project, which can be accessed directly at https://gimikatalogus.elte.hu. It is also possible to access it from the common catalogue of ELTE libraries by clicking on the marked menu item:


The records of the libraries in the database:

  • Apáczai Csere János Gyakorló Gimnázium Könyvtára (14 338 records),
  • ELTE Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Középiskola Könyvtára (27 037 records), 
  • Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola Könyvtára (37 872 records),
  • Trefort Ágoston Gyakorlóiskola Könyvtára (34 265 records).

The conversion of school library databases is done at regular intervals. Once a year, usually in November-december, the data are updated to reflect changes (additions and deletions) from the previous year.

Source/author of illustration: