1% – For the library

The mission of the ELTE University Library and Archives, which won the Hungarian Heritage Award and – as part of the University Library Service – the title of Qualified Library in 2018, as well as the EFQM “Committed to Excellence” certificate in 2020, is to provide Hungarian and foreign academic teachers, researchers and students with domestic and foreign literature, intending to integrate them into the international circulation of scientific life. Now, you can also help to ensure free access to information, to preserve and digitize our cultural values, and to acquire modern technological equipment and implement continuous service development. Please, support the Foundation for the University Library by offering 1% of your tax.

The Foundation for the University Library was established in 2005 to provide the technical modernization for the ELTE University Library and Archives and help expansing its services and protecting its holdings. The library's old book collection of more than one and a half million documents is part of the national cultural heritage and is also significant in Europe, so it is our shared responsibility to preserve these values ​​for the rising generation.

The non-profit organization, led by Dr. Péter Kiszl, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, significantly supports the library's value-saving activities. In order to restore the volumes of the collection, which requires special attention and constant preservation, the foundation has launched a book adoption program. In addition, it contributes to the organization of events promoting the values ​​and the professional work of the University Library and Archives, the publication of a wall calendar presenting the rarities of the library and the university’s cultural heritage, as well as the publication of the University Library Yearbooks and acquiring new technical equipment.

More information about the support possibilities of the Foundation for the University Library is available here.


Foundation for the University Library

H-1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.

Phone: +36 1 411 6738

Email: alapitvany@lib.elte.hu

Tax number: 18121362-1-41

Account number: 12010532-00120645-00100003

Source/author of illustration:

Medieval codices from the University Library and Archives in Constantinople – The new library calendar is now available

On the occasion of the Hungarian–Turkish Cultural Year, the 2024 calendar of the ELTE University Library and Archives presents a selection of medieval codices, which arrived the library from Constantinople at the end of April 1877.

The pages of the calendar offer an insight into the diversity of our collections and cultural assets, selected from ten 13th–15th century codices. In late April 1877, 35 codices arrived in Budapest from Istanbul, via Vienna, in a wooden box on a train. The manuscripts, which, according to the scholarly view of the period, had been taken by the Ottoman troops from the famous library of King Matthias Corvinus to Constantinople as spoils of war at the siege of Buda, were the gifts from Sultan Abdul Hamid II to the Hungarian university students. The antecedent of the gift was a friendly gesture. In opposition to the weakening Ottoman Empire, the Austro–Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire gradually drew closer together, and when the Russians occupied new parts of the Ottoman territories, sympathy demonstrations were held in Budapest in the autumn of 1876. Students of the Royal University had a sword made and presented to the Ottoman commander-in-chief. Among the codices gifted by the sultan and held in the University Library, 14 are considered today as certain Corvinas. The fact that their original bindings were removed and replaced by green, red, and white leather coverings in Istanbul makes their identification even more difficult. They  include  classic  literature,  Christian  philosophy,  medieval  surgery,  and  even  a  „contemporary”  piece,  Dante’s Divine  Comedy. An electronic version of the calendar is available here.

The representative wall calendar was published under the management of the Prime Minister’s Office, with the support of the National Cooperation Fund, the Bethlen Gábor Fund Management Ltd. and the Foundation for the University Library.

For information about the support options of the Foundation for the University Library, please, visit our website. More details about our book adoption program can be found here.



A kiadványt támogatta a Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap, a Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt. és az Egyetemi Könyvtárért Alapítvány


Source/author of illustration:

Christmas Opening Hours

The Library will be closed between the 23rd of December 2023 and the 1st of January 2024. Our library's services will be available from the 2nd of January 2024.

We wish all our dear readers a very merry Christmas and a successful New Year!

Source/author of illustration:

Night at the library – During the end of study period and in the examination period, you are welcome to study until 22.00 hours

The ELTE University Library and Archives offers extended opening hours for readers and students on weekdays and Saturdays between the 4th of December 2023 and the 20th of January 2024 until 22.00 hours. Our training room will also be available, providing free computer access and learning opportunities.

Through our constantly expanding services, we aim to provide ELTE students with an efficient and effective learning opportunity, with the support of the Students' Union and in cooperation with the students.

The following services are available between 20.00 and 22.00 on weekdays and between 18.00 and 22.00 on Saturdays:

  • study and reading in the Reading Hall and free use of computers in the training room,
  • picking up books requested online during the day from the pickup locker,
  • return of books using the self-lending terminal and the book deposit box (Bibliobox),
  • self-service printing and photocopying using a pre-purchased card,
  • free self-service scanning.

During the extended opening hours, reception and general information is provided. The lobby, the Reading Hall and the training room are open to the public only with a pre-purchased library card.

Everyone is welcome and we wish all our students a successful semester and exam period!

Source/author of illustration:

Second CHARM-EU Open Science Day

The CHARM-EU Open Science Day program will be held for the second time on October 26, 2023, which is a continuation of the first session. You can join the event in person in ELTE's Aula Magna (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1–3.) or online via the Teams platform.

University/faculty leaders, representatives of partner universities, researchers, lecturers and PhD students of partner universities, employees of the Open Science offices, and participants of Pilot 2, Pilot 3 and Pilot 4 can register for the event.

The morning session will discuss how institutions can support researchers in relation to Open Science activities, and the afternoon session will provide researchers and staff with ready-to-use skills related to Open Access publishing.

The event is free, but prior registration is required. A detailed program description and registration is available on the Charm-EU website.

More news about the event


Source/author of illustration:

Marianne Czeke, the first Hungarian female librarian, was born 150 years ago

Czeke Marianne was born on 18 October 1873 in Sopron. The talented and ambitious girl decided to study at university after her travels in England and France. After successful high school graduation in 1901, she enrolled in the Latin – French – German department of the University of Budapest. On 17 June 1905, she received his doctorate with summa cum laude and wrote his doctoral dissertation on Lessing and Shakespeare. On 24 March 1906, she was awarded a teaching diploma.

After the successful completion of her studies, she applied for a job with the Minister of Religion and Education and the Rector of the University, who accepted her application and assigned her to the University Library. The Library Committee discussed the application and supported it with the following reasons: „Dr. Mariann Czeke meets the requirements of the post in question to an excellent degree and is therefore unanimously recommended to the good will of the Board of Governors, all the more so because, as she emphasizes in her application, she feels a calling to the library profession since she has already worked in this direction at the Bibliotheque nationale. The Committee also acknowledges that women are generally fitted for the library profession; hence the considerable number of clerks in America are women; their excellent sense and regularity of cleanliness and accuracy of treatment are a great help here. But, on the other hand, it must also be pointed out that in this case we are dealing with a pioneering new career for women, and that it is therefore not for more than one case, but only for this one, that the decision and unanimous recommendation is to be made. It therefore does not wish to make it a system for the time being, but takes into account the applicant is exraordinary readiness and desire; but at the same time it is reassuring to note that the applicant as a teacher, will enter the Vlassics College and that if the experiment should fall, she will be able to transfer to the teaching profession.” (ULA, University Archives, 19.b. Minutes of the 15 June 1906.) But the experiment worked.

Marianne Czeke worked at the University Library for two decades. Her main responsibility was the management of the special Shakespeare collection, for which she published a detailed catalogue. In the meantime, she was constantly publishing, translating, and active in public life, being a member of several women’s movement associations. From 1925 she was involved in the publication of the diary of Teresa Brunszvik. Her works include, among others, the Treatises on History and Politics, Lessing and Shakespeare, Montessori's Thoughts in the Diary of Count Teresa Brunsvik, and the Life and Character of Count Teresa Brunsvik. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary, her works are now available digitally on the ELTE Digital Institutional Knowledge Library (EDIT). The first Hungarian female librarian died in 1942, aged 69.   

The life of Marianne Czeke is described in detail by Edit Fabó. The study is available: http://hdl.handle.net/10831/34135  

Source/author of illustration:
Fabó Edit: Dr. Czeke Marianne – Az Egyetemi Könyvtár első könyvtárosnője. Egyetemi Könyvtár Évkönyvei XVI. Budapest, 2013. 204.

Autumn Festival of Museums in our library

In the frame of the Autumn Festival of Museums, between the 13th of October and the 10th of November 2023, we invite all science and book lovers to take part in our programmes and visit our exhibition entitled Unus non sufficit orbis – One world is not enough: Hungarian Jesuits in South America.

Our guests can take part in interactive guided tours of the Eötvös exhibition, as well as guided tours of the restoration workshop and the library history. Our book presentations will give you an insight into the special treasures of our library. All visitors are welcome!


Detailed programme plan:

Secrets in the pages – Book presentation from our museum collection

A tour of our museum books will give you an insight into our library's special publications, revealing the secrets of our old printed material.

Programme dates:

13 October 2023 (Friday); 16.30-17.00

20 October 2023 (Friday); 16.30-17.00

10 November 2023 (Friday); 16.30-17.00


Restoration workshop

Guided by our restorer, guests can get a taste of paper-casting and bookbinding techniques. They will learn about the process of book disinfection and old bookbinding techniques.

Programme dates:

13 October 2023 (Friday); 10.00-11.00

13 October 2023 (Friday); 17.00-18.00

20 October 2023 (Friday); 10.00-11.00

20 October 2023 (Friday); 17.00-18.00

10 November 2023 (Friday); 10.00-11.00

10 November 2023 (Friday); 17.00-18.00


Library tour

On our library tours you can learn about the history of the ELTE University Library and Archives.

Programme dates:

19 October 2023 (Thursday); 17.00-18.00

26 October 2023 (Thursday); 17.00-18.00

2 November 2023 (Thursday); 17.00-18.00

6 November 2023 (Monday); 17.00-18.00

9 November 2023 (Thursday); 17.00-18.00


Guided tour of the Eötvös exhibition

We welcome visitors to our exhibition of Loránd Eötvös's exciting experiments and life in physics, which will engage young and old alike.

Programme dates:

19 October 2023 (Thursday); 16.00-16.45

26 October 2023 (Thursday); 16.00-16.45

2 November 2023 (Thursday);  16.00-16.45

6 November 2023 (Monday); 16.00-16.45

9 November 2023 (Thursday); 16.00-16.45


Unus non sufficit orbis – One world is not enough: Hungarian Jesuits in South America

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of György Pray, the father of Hungarian critical historiography and former director of our library, and the 250th anniversary of the abolition of the Jesuit order, we invite you to an exhibition of documents related to the missions of the Hungarian Jesuits in South America.

The exhibition offers visitors a special selection of manuscripts and printed documents. The South American continent was one of the main scenes of the Jesuit Order's flourishing in the 18th century. It was one of the most important places where the most enthusiastic and adventurous members of the Jesuit Order, including Jesuits of Hungarian origin, carried out their missionary work. If you want to know what adventures the friars had in the depths of the jungle, how they canoed down the Amazon or what experiences they had among the Indians, visit our exhibition!

The exhibition is available on weekdays between 10.00 and 15.00. Registration is possible at titkarsag@lib.elte.hu.


Programme available online:

Virtual Autumn Walks in the ELTE University Library and Archives (continuously available online programme).

Photo, audio and video recordings will be made of the events. The recordings will be published on the websites, publications, forums and social media of the participating institutions.

Source/author of illustration: