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The index of university doctors published

The records of students who obtained a doctorate at the university are now available from 1894. At the time, the University of Budapest still had four faculties (Humanities, Law and Political Science, Theology and Medicine), and doctoral degrees were awarded in all faculties.

In 1949, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was formed from the Faculty of Humanities, so from then on it was also possible to obtain a doctorate there. The doctoral records in the archive contain a total of 40239 names: the names of all students who obtained a doctoral degree at our university between 1894 and 1950. In the index, the doctor’s name, date of birth (if it can be found in the register), their field of study, and the academic year in which they obtained their degree are included with the archival reference of the relevant document. 

The index is avalaible in our repository.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives