Springer Nature Open Access Workshop

EISZ and Springer Nature are organizing an online webinar in English for researchers from the institutions participating in the Hungarian consortium. The presentations are designed to help Open Access publishing.

About the webinar:

Springer Nature Open Access Workshop – Hungary 2022: All you need to know about the Hungarian OA agreement

Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Time: 10:00 - 11:30am CEST

Venue: GoToWebinar



10:00am – Introduction and welcome – Mr. Viktor Kutsyi, Account Development Manager, Springer Nature

10:10am – Springer Nature Open Access agreements in Hungary – Ms. Lisa Hussey, Head of Performance, Springer Nature

10:20am – Benefits of Open Access publishing - Mr. Viktor Kutsyi, Account Development Manager, Springer Nature

10.40am – The author journey: from submission to publication - Ms. Julia Knospe, Senior Open Access Coordinator, Springer Nature

11:10am – Q & A – All, including Springer Nature Editorial staff


Source/author of illustration:

Open days at the Eötvös Exhibition

Visitors are welcome without registration on the 14th of May 2022 from 10 am to 6 pm at the exhibition of the ELTE University Library and Archives.

The museum laboratory set up in the exhibition space provides an opportunity to get to know Loránd Eötvös from a new perspective with the help of modern digital devices. The turn of the century was not only a period of great inventions, which Eötvös joined with his research, but also of continuous change. In his stereo photographs, he captured his daughters, who climbed 4000 meters high mountains, the Mediterranean countryside he saw on his holidays, and the now vanished streets of Budapest as well as its newly built boulevards. Virtual reality glasses in the exhibition allow all this to happen right under your nose, while in augmented reality, Eötvös' character accompanies visitors through important places in his life.

Please, contact our colleagues to arrange an appointment at kiallitas@lib.elte.hu.

The exhibition can be visited on the 14th of May 2022 without registration.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – May 2022

Object of the month – White water-lily 

Eighty-year-old herbarium specimen of the White water-lily (Nymphaea lotus var. thermalis) from the collection of Rezső Soó.

The relatives of the White water-lily in Püspökfürdő (Oradea, Romania) live nearly 2000 km away in Africa. According to the long-standing view of the former director of the Botanical Garden, János Tuzson, the Nile water lily (Nymphaea lotus) may have been a natural stand in the subtropical climate 2-3 million years ago. During the ice ages, it was able to survive and become independent of its Nile counterpart due to the milder local temperature conditions. Its relatives were clarified by molecular genetics: it has no different from the Nile water lily. It was naturalized probably during the Roman period. Unfortunately, the habitat in Oradea is endangered by great tourism investments. 

This herbarium sheet was collected on the 13rd of October 1940 by Rezső Soó, who was one of the greatest figures in Hungarian botany and former director of the Botanical Garden, during this years he was the head of the department in Cluj-Napoca. As a dried plant (herbarium sheet) it can be preserved and used for educational and research purposes for centuries. The genetic stock of the specimen could used for comparison to these days, as the other 30,000 specimens of the Herbarium from many parts of the world. The greatest value of this collection is the series of the flora of Carpathian Basin, including many species of plants, which are extinct at the original habitat.


László Papp, Botanical Garden of ELTE 

Source/author of illustration:
Papp László

The Eötvös Exhibition can also be visited on Saturdays

The ELTE University Library and Archives will be open on Saturdays from the 30th of April 2022, therefore the Eötvös Exhibition can also be visited.

In honor of Loránd Eötvös, a former professor of our university, we opened our interactive exhibition in 2019. Throughout his life, the world-famous physicist and university professor admired nature, researching the nature of the world. At our exhibition, visitors can get a glimpse of the scientific methods of Loránd Eötvös, try out his experimental tools, view the landscapes he saws during his travels and the exciting world of the turn of the century.

Please, contact our colleagues to arrange an appointment at kiallitas@lib.elte.hu.

The exhibition can be visited on the 30th of April 2022 without registration.

Source/author of illustration:

Book launch – Publications about the students of the University of Nagyszombat and the Archbishop's Lyceum

The Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives, the MTA – ELTE University History Research Group and the Primate Archives invite you to a book launch on the 13th of May 2022 from 3 pm at the Main Reading Room of the University Library (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.).


The event will present recent publications about the students of the University of Nagyszombat and the Lyceum and Seminaries of the University of Nagyszombat.


Kmety Adrien – Szögi László – Varga Júlia: A Nagyszombati Egyetem bölcsész és teológus növendékei 1635–1711. Esztergom, 2021. I. – II. 1137 p.

The publication is presented by: Dr. István Fazekas, Associate Professor, Head of Research Group.


Szögi László: A nagyszombati érseki líceum és a papnevelő intézetek növendékei 1802–1850. Esztergom, 2021. 467 p.

The publication is presented by: Dr. Krisztina Tóth, habilitated Associate Professor, Head of Archives.


All visitors are welcome!

Source/author of illustration:

University biographical mosaics – Sports and science

Yolland Arthur (1874–1956) was a literary historian, Hungarian national champion tennis player, footballer, coach and football referee. He completed his university studies in Cambridge, then moved to Hungary in 1896 on behalf of the Ferenc József Educational Institute and became a teacher at the institute. From 1898 he was an English language lecturer at Pázmány Péter University. In 1904 he obtained a doctorate in humanities, and from 1908 he taught in the department of English language and literature at the university. He compiled several dictionaries and translated several Hungarian literary and scientific works into English. In 1925 he was elected dean of the Faculty of Arts.  

In addition to his scientific teaching activities, he also took an active part in sports. His favorite sports included golf, football, tennis, athletics, rowing and cricket. He played sports and taught at BEAC and other associations. He played for the Hungarian Athletics Club (MAC) as a tennis player, winning national championships in the men’s singles in 1899 and 1900.  

He was a historical participant, founder, distributor and referee of Hungarian football. Since 1897, he has been one of the first Hungarian football referees. Between 1902 and 1910, he followed the matches of the Hungarian–Austrian national team, which were the first official international matches of the Hungarian national football team. He is commemorated by BEAC Yolland Arthur’s Lifetime Achievement Award, which is awarded for many years of outstanding performance for the club.  

Source/author of illustration:

Call for proposals for accessing NI4OS-Europe services

NI4OS invites applications for access to computing resources (HPC, cloud services), storage and data services, software and scientific manuscripts. NI4OS-Europe offers a broad set of generic, thematic services as well as repositories in the European region, with the special focus on the scientific communities of Life Sciences, Climatology, Digital Cultural Heritage and Computational Physics. Generic services are in the areas of Compute resource provisioning (HPC and Cloud), Storage, and Data services provisioning. Repositories provide access to datasets, Software, as well as scientific manuscripts.

More information on this call: NI4OS-Europe Open Call

Deadline for submission is Wednesday, the 11th of May 2022.

Source/author of illustration:

The University Library is open on Saturday

We are pleased to inform you that from the 30th of April 2022, we will offer reading and study opportunities in the Main Reading Room on Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm.

The following services will be available at the Information Desk on the ground floor:

  • registration and membership renewal
  • book return
  • loan extension
  • borrowing and on-site use of prepared books (for requests made till 7.30 pm on Fridays).

For more information, please contact us at the following contact details:

On Saturdays, you can also visit our Eötvös Exhibition, for more information, please visit the exhibition registration page.

All visitors are welcome!

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE ULA (Photo made by Ágnes Ágai)

Pálos György Video Library

György Pálos, an award-winning film director, cinematographer and screenwriter, released an almost complete selection of his works related to education to those interested in the subject.

György Pálos graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University in 1986 with a degree in French history. He has been working as a director-cinematographer since 1989. He has been working at the Department of Film Studies at Eötvös Loránd University since 2000. He is a member of the Association of Hungarian Filmmakers, the Guild of Hungarian Directors, and the Hungarian Independent Film Association.

"The success of documentary filmmaking and teaching is decided on the field. It is the question how can I – both as a filmmaker and teacher - make sense of a situation, understand it and make it work in favour of my plan."

He enjoys making feature films, documentaries, but his attention and interest has been more focused on the documentary genre lately. He holds a course on documentary filmmaking at Eötvös Loránd University and shares his decades of experience with students. His DLA’s dissertation was also written on documentary filmmaking.

The documentaries dealing with the educational situation in Hungary are available in the reading room of Kazinczy Street, ELTE PPK Library, on dedicated machines.

Source: ELTE ,doctoral dissertation , interview , interview
Pálos György's webpage

Source/author of illustration:


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