News archive

2025. January 2., Thursday – 15:13
ULA Archives
As of 6 January 2025, the Archives will be open to researchers and clients in a new location and with extended opening hours.
2024. October 14., Monday – 09:49
ULA Archives
We are bidding farewell to our premises on Maglódi út. The archives will be closed from 14 October 2024 for the duration of the move.
2024. September 27., Friday – 15:21
ULA Archives
Zoltán Magyary (1888–1945) was an outstanding figure in Hungarian law and public administration, who put his outstanding scientific achievements into practice. He is credited with the foundation of the Hungarian Institute of Public Administration. He published his scientific results in four languages. The entire archive is available now in the ELTE Digital Institutional Knowledge Repository.
2024. September 19., Thursday – 08:57
ULA Archives
Photocopies of the medieval certificate collection created by László Fejérpataky are available in the ELTE Digital Institutional Repository. The collection contains a total of 106 documents, 96 of which date from before 1526.
2024. September 2., Monday – 14:29
ULA Archives
Pursuant to Article 43/A of EMMI Decree No. 27/2015 (V. 27.) on the professional requirements related to the activities of public archives and public private archives, which entered into force on 1 July 2024, archives shall authorise research for scientific purposes on the basis of a supporting statement form.
2024. July 29., Monday – 14:35
ULA Archives
Founded in 1667, the Faculty of Law (now the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE) started to keep its personal register. Between 1778 and 1886, 2537 students obtained a doctorate at the Faculty. The index contains data on these students.
2024. July 5., Friday – 12:30
ULA Archives
The training of secondary school teachers began at the Faculty of Humanities of our university in the mid-19th century. Candidates had to pass an examination before the Secondary School Teachers’ Examination Board, set up in 1862, to obtain their teaching diplomas. The Commission functioned until 1949. All the examination registers in the Commission's archives between 1864 and 1949 have been catalogued and the database contains the names of the students who sat the examinations, their degree, the date of the examination and the archival reference of the register.
2024. April 19., Friday – 14:46
ULA Archives
Henrik Marczali (1856–1940) was a historian, university professor. His life and work were commemorated by the Henrik Marczali Research Group at a two-day conference (17–18 April 2024).
2024. April 11., Thursday – 10:58
ULA Archives
The latest volume in our series of publications on the history of higher education, Eszter Hadobás – László Szögi: The students of the institutions of higher education in Eger II. 1850–1918, has been published.
2023. September 1., Friday – 16:02
ULA Archives
The minutes of Eötvös Loránd University and its predecessor institutions are now available not only on the portal, but also in the database of the Hungarian National Archives, on the portal.
2023. May 16., Tuesday – 15:50
ULA Archives
The Council of the Leaders of Hungarian Archives (MLVT) organises its annual meeting between the 18th and 20th of May 2023 in Lakitelek. The main topic of the workshop on the 19th of May 2023 is the collection field activities of archives, with a presentation by the head of our archives, Krisztina Tóth, PhD, entitled „Collection field tasks and issues at the Eötvös Loránd University”.
2023. April 13., Thursday – 13:37
ULA Archives
The Archives Publication of the Year award, established by the Association of Hungarian Archivists, can be applied for in several categories every year. This year, László Szögi's publication „Peregrinatio academica. The history, size and trends of Hungarian university visits abroad 1150–1919" was awarded third place in the category of professional publications.
2023. March 8., Wednesday – 08:40
ULA Archives
The latest volume of Júlia Varga, archivist of the ELTE University Library and Archives, was presented on the 2nd of March 2023.
2023. February 21., Tuesday – 13:26
ULA Archives
The records of students who obtained a doctorate at the university are now available from 1894. The doctoral records in the archive contain a total of 40239 names: the names of all students who obtained a doctoral degree at our university between 1894 and 1950.
2023. February 6., Monday – 14:01
ULA Archives
In 2022, the University Library and Archive won 300 000 HUF at the tender of the National Cultural Fund for the purchase of professional archival books. The funds were used to purchase English-language reference books on archival studies, the professional tasks of university archives and the university's museum collections. The books are available in our archival research room.
2023. January 9., Monday – 14:27
ULA Archives
The latest issue of the university history journal Gerundium (vol. 13., nos. 3–4.) contains several studies on the history of our university. Péter Tusor provides new data on the papal recognition of the university's foundation in Nagyszombat in 1635, Zsolt Kökényesi describes the aristocratic students who studied at the University of Nagyszombat between 1616 and 1773, László Szögi analyses the composition, social stratification and changes in the number of students at the University of Nagyszombat, Krisztina Tóth explains the circumstances of the tragic destruction of the university’s records in the 1950s.
2022. December 2., Friday – 13:40
ULA Archives
Between the 5th of December 2022 and the 27th of February 2023, the archives can only be visited by Email registration. The archives will be closed between the 19th of December 2022 and the 8th of January 2023.
2022. December 1., Thursday – 12:54
ULA Archives
The training of secondary school teachers began at our university in the second half of the 19th century. The records of the examinations of teachers were preserved in the period between 1864 and 1949. In our database there are currently 9236 names.
2022. November 28., Monday – 08:38
ULA Archives
The Archives Portal Europe has been renewed. The site provides an opportunity to jointly search the documents of European archives and presents each institution in detail.
2022. August 29., Monday – 14:30
ULA Archives
The Hungarian Association of Higher Education Archives held its annual meeting in Szeged between the 24th and the 26th of August 2022. On the first day of the event, a round-table discussion on archival news and changes took place with the participation of the Ministry, the Archives Supervison and the archival associations. The managers of the university archives gave a brief report on the annual operation and results of their institutions. At the end of the day, professional presentations were given about changes in archival legislation and upcoming accredited training courses. On the second day of the event, the attendees could take part in an academic conference. On the closing day of the conference, the participants had the opportunity to visit the archives and exhibitions in Szeged.