Computer training room opens to our readers

From the 30th of May 2023, ELTE University Library will open the ground-floor training room from the lobby to library users, offering free and gratis use of 10 library laptops.

Our training room, which also serves as a community space, is not only a place to study and have conversations, but also offers a designated area for enjoying a meal.

Opening hours of the trainig room during the examination period from the 30th of May to the 1st of July 2023:

  • Weekdays: 9.00–22.00
  • Saturdays: 10.00–22.00

Outside the examination period:

  • Weekdays: 9.00-20.00
  • Saturdays: 10.00-18.00

Please note that the training room is closed during courses. A screen in the room will keep you informed of the times reserved for educational purposes.

Explore and try out our new library services!

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Cooperation agreement with the European Documentation Centre in Szombathely

Cooperation agreement with the European Documentation Centre in Szombathely

The ELTE University Library and Archives and the European Documentation Centre (EDC) Szombathely have signed a cooperation agreement, according to which the Savaria University Library and Archives will provide library support to the EDC Szombathely, which is part of the ELTE Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training Centre.

The European Documentation Centre has been operating in Szombathely since 1997, providing general knowledge for understanding the European integration processes and offering an opportunity for the academic community (teachers, researchers, students) and interested readers to learn about the European Union's organisational structure, decision-making mechanisms and the main areas of Community policies. The institution also provides a wide range of EU information resources in the context of the courses taught at the Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training Centre, and as a part of the Szombathely training portfolio, in addition to organising personalised and group courses and tutorials. Furthermore, regular joint events on EU issues are organised in cooperation with partner information providers (Europe Direct, EURES, EURODESK, Tempus Public Foundation).

The European Documentation Centre in Szombathely is located on the second floor of the ELTE University Library and Archives Savaria University Library and Archives.



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Commitment to quality – The University Library Service’s managers attended a leadership training

With the support of the National Cultural Fund, between the 9th and the 11th of May 2023, a management training course was held for the library managers of the University Library Service and the managers and staff of the ELTE University Library and Archives.

During the three-day training, participants were introduced to the skills, abilities and personal qualities needed to perform leadership roles, as well as motivational and performance-enhancing methods for effective collaboration. They also gained an overview of effective negotiation practice, effective communication and conflict management.

The training aimed to develop the leadership skills and competencies of leaders and to present tools, which are useful and work in practice. By applying the knowledge gained, their teams and the library as a whole will be able to improve their performance and effectiveness.

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Survey on the use of electronic content

The University Library Service member libraries propose each year the subscription of electronic content. In order to meet the needs of users and increase the efficiency of the service, a survey is carried out to measure internet search habits, satisfaction with the electronic content currently available on campus and to collect relevant requests. ELTE lecturers and students are invited to follow the message published in the Neptun study system and to help us by filling in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is available to all students and lecturers of Eötvös Loránd University who are currently active in the spring semester of the academic year 2022/2023, between the 17th and 29th of May 2023, using the form published in the study system.

The responses contribute to the improvement of the service, to plannable improvements and to preparing decisions.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.

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New ELTE Journal in Scopus

We are pleased to announce that the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) has accepted the application of the journal Lejana. Revista Crítica de Narrativa Breve to the Scopus database and will start indexing it. Scopus is the bibliographic database of the Elsevier publishing house, which is suitable for searching both scientometrics research and scientific literature.

Lejana publishes scientific papers of literary criticism in Spanish and English of short fiction Spanish works. The journal is published since 2010 by its editor, the Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities Department of Spanish Language and Literature.

Lejana is an international publication, whose authors are mainly researchers of the Spanish-language literature that has published in the last years monographic issues of a specific subject. Every article has an abstract in Spanish and English, with its respective keywords. The journal offers without any charge its papers since its publication, as well as permits for any of its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or add a link to the complete texts of the paper, whenever doing it responsibly and mentioning the original. Lejana appears in the following catalogues: Latindex, REDIB, ROADDOAJERIHPLUSDialnetMATARKASherpa Romeo. The journal is archived in ELTE EDIT repository, and it is an „MTMT Qualified Journal” from 2023.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE Library of Faculty of Humanities

Our virtual exhibition „Janus Pannonius from Humanism to the Baroque” is now available

What can a Latin entry in humorous Greek letters in an 11th century Gospel book tell us? Who and why would have had a small manuscript booklet of Janus Pannonius' letters made in the early 16th century? What did the user of a Janus volume think of the poet's epigrams? Find out in our virtual exhibition, based on the chamber exposition entitled „Janus Pannonius from Humanism to the Baroque”, on display from September to November 2022.

The collection of the University Library and Archives holds many documents that are not open to the general public, or only on special occasions. These include the 11th-century Byzantine Gospel Book of Janus Pannonius, which was exhibited in autumn 2022 to mark the 550th anniversary of the death of the humanist bishop. During his studies in Italy, the bishop made many friends and acquaintances with a humanist education, many of whom he kept in touch with after his return to Hungary, and his Latin poems were published from the 16th century onwards, first abroad and then in Hungary. The autumn chamber exposition, which was held in conjunction with the book launch, featured printed books and a manuscript related to Janus Pannonius. Our virtual exhibition now gives visitors the opportunity to browse through not only the Greek-language Gospel Book, but all the works on display from the 16th to 18th centuries, to spend time reading the texts or deciphering the owner and reader inscriptions.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives [Exempla epistolarum Joannis Pannonij et aliorum Coll. Pray. IX/18 1r]

University biographical mosaics – Leopold Fischer

Two hundred and fifty years ago, in 1773, Pope Clement XIII dissolved the Jesuit order, accelerating the process of the university's transfer to the state. Between 1635 and 1773, many distinguished Jesuits of great knowledge taught at our university, leaving a lasting mark on the history of the institution. In April our feature is on the founder of our university’s medal collection, Leopold Fischer.  

Leopold Fischer was born in Vienna in 1703 and entered the Jesuit order in 1718. After completing his studies, he taught in Vienna, Passau, Linz and Sopron. From 1747 he was the librarian of the Viennese monastery. In 1753, he donated his medal collection to the University of Nagyszombat, thereby creating the first numismatic collection used for educational purposes in Europe. When the coin museum was founded, it contained 1842 coins, of which Lipót Fischer prepared a detailed catalog between 1762 and 1763. Fischer also made three medal storage cabinets to house the collection.  The medal collection was kept in the University Library until 1817, and today, it is preserved in the Institute of Archeology of the Faculty of Humanities.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE BTK Institute of Archeological Science

The annual meeting of the Council of Managers of Hungarian Archives

The Council of the Leaders of Hungarian Archives (MLVT) organises its annual meeting between the 18th and 20th of May 2023 in Lakitelek. The main topic of the workshop on the 19th of May 2023 is the collection field activities of archives, with a presentation by the head of our archives, Krisztina Tóth, PhD, entitled Collection field tasks and issues at the Eötvös Loránd University.



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SZAKTÁRS – Argumentum Kiadó

In the past 30 years, the publisher has released over 900 books in the fields of literary history, critical editions, history, educational theory, linguistics, language history, sociology, musicology, library history, art theory, theater history, psychology, ethnography, archaeology, and architecture. Among its co-publishers are institutions such as ELTE, research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), museums, the National Széchényi Library (OSZK), libraries, archives, the Hungarian Military History Institute and Museum, and various other scholarly institutions.

Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – 2023 May

Object of the month – Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the Biological and Paleontological Exhibition of the ELTE Natural History Museum

The Golden Eagle, scientifically known as Haliaeetus albicilla, is the largest predatory bird in Europe, second only to vultures. Female birds reach a height of almost one meter, while males are about 15 percent smaller. Their wingspan is equally impressive, varying from 180 to 245 centimeters depending on age and gender.

After five years, mature Golden Eagles have yellowish-brown plumage on their head and neck, with a short, white, and wedge-shaped tail. The beak changes to a straw-yellow color, and the iris becomes yellow as well. Young eagles have the same coloration as the rest of their body, with darker beaks. They can mate before their plumage changes in the aforementioned manner, as they may reach sexual maturity as early as the third year.

From a phylogenetic perspective, the Golden Eagle is not closely related to the birds commonly referred to as "eagles" in everyday language. A prominent distinguishing feature is that eagles' legs are feathered down to their toes, while the Golden Eagle's legs are bare. Phylogenetically, the Golden Eagle is more similar to kites than eagles.

The Golden Eagle mainly feeds on fish and waterfowl, but it can also consume any available animal in the winter, including rabbits. It does not reject carrion or offal left by hunters. Breeding season begins before the leaves sprout, and the bird is highly sensitive to disturbances during this time. The Golden eagle builds its nest on the upper part of high trees' canopies. Typically, it lays two eggs, and the chicks hatch in March–April, fledging in June.

The Golden Eagle's habitat is always near water, found in coastal areas across much of Europe, as well as sporadically in the Carpathian Basin. It used to be a characteristic bird of our former extensive wetlands, as evidenced in myths that have survived from the early period following the Hungarian conquest.

In Hungary, the Golden Eagle typically nests in trees in floodplain forests, but the gradual deforestation of these areas caused a severe population decline by the 1970s. At one point, only 12 pairs nested in the country. However, decades of persistent conservation efforts have led to a population recovery, with over 800 individuals currently living in Hungary. The Golden Eagle is a strictly protected species in Hungary, with an estimated one million Hungarian Forints in terms of its conservation value.

In our collection are adult and juvenile Golden Eagle specimens from the 1930s.


Written by: Julia Katalin Török, Ph.D., habil.

Assistant Professor, Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology of Eötvös Loránd University

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE Natural History Museum